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Bienvenue dans le monde des flux numériques :

Domi : Ben y'a qu'à surveiller !

Ca barde Outre-Atlantique aussi :

J'ai reposté en ajoutant ça :
You might be interested to know which swindle we have had here in France with so called "Capitalisation retirement funds" : as you guess, this system allows you to put a part of your salary in a fund and, when you get retired, to convert it in a rent (or to have it paid at once if it is really a very tiny sum).

As you perhaps know too, women live about 8 more years than men here in France, and therefore the rent was calculated on the number oy years you could expect to live according to whether you are a woman or a man. Seems logical enough.

Not anymore.

Some nut in the socialist party decided in 2012 that this kind of computation was unfair (!) and that women should get just as much as men, despite their much longer average retirement length an the fact that they do not save more for it. That means that from now on, if you are a man and chose a long time ago this "capitalization" plan of which you cannot get out, for every euro you saved in your whole career, about 85 cents will be used, while if you are a woman 1,15 euro will be used . Some equality !

The irony of it if that men of 64 who liquidated their capitalization rights one year before it was due just lost 5% of it each year and got it paid one more year, while those who waited the normal age of 65 not only lost that whole year (5000 € in my case), but 11,5% of each following year as well. That is the way the socialists manage France.

Oh, of course, there is a trick : there are more women than men in the population as well. Anybody disrobing Peter to clothe Paul can be ensure he will get support from Paul.

Pat Condell on what islam really is (and does not want you to know)


Le Canada commence à en avoir marre aussi :

Contribuables de tous les pays, unissez-vous !


Des problèmes de taxes...

...très différents des nôtres

... pour une dette d'ailleurs tout aussi préoccupante pourtant. Il est vrai que quand les débiteurs ont la première armée du monde, les créanciers ne sont pas trop enclins à montrer les dents


Très con peut-être, mais sacrément bien trouvé aussi :

La vie serait plus ancienne que notre planète, sous réserve que...


Voilà une idée qu'elle est bonne. Sartre avait quand même une curieuse famille :
"I have given my life to try to bring unto them the advantages which our civilisation must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status; white, the superior, and they the inferior; for whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equal, they will either destroy him or devour him, and they will destroy all his work; and so for any existing relationship or for any benefit to this people let white men from anywhere in the world who would come to help Africa remember that you must continually retain this status; you the master, and they the inferior, like children that you would help or teach. Never fraternise with them as equals, never accept them as your social equals; or they will devour you; they will destroy you."

~ Albert Schweitzer
C'est de toute façon assez vrai d'un tas d'autres gens aussi.


Pour la petite histoire, mon arrière grand-père envoya TOUS ses enfants en pension à Singapour afin que ceux-ci ne soient pas contaminés par la mentalité vietnamienne non plus. Pour la maghrébine, nous n'avons pas de chance, parce que là, c'est elle qui vient à nous. Alors à moins d'avoir des chaînes de TV séparées et d'isoler hermétiquement les populations les unes des autres avec du barbelé dans les lycées, kes rues et les supermarchés, on est mal

The presence of individual cognitions (knowledge, opinions or beliefs on the environment itself or its own behavior) mutually incompatible, generates an unpleasant state of tension called "cognitive dissonance." The individual will develop strategies to restore cognitive balance. The most common one is to forget what does not fit with previous references.

Challenge established ideas is more painful learning new ideas for which there is yet no model (heliocentrism vs geocentrism, Darwinism vs. Creationism. freewill vs. conditioning, etc.).. Religions and totalitarian systems (though not always directly comparable) therefore teach their views from early youth, as a primal model.

The most an individual has invested and commited himself, the less he is ready to give up his beliefs. This is a reason for the success of religions or political and economic systems, UNIX or even some pointless text editor, DUE TO their absurdity

The most difficult, painful, even humiliating his "teaching" was, the less an individual will be willing to question the value of what has been taught to him, because that would mean he has invested heavilly in emptiness, which he cannot accept. It will therefore be easier to abandon rational positions than irrational ones.

According whether a believer has a good or bad self-image, he will consider success or failure of his beliefs to the external environment instead of attributing the result to himself. To reduce cognitive dissonance, and the believer will find excuses rather than challenge his convictions.

In short, we are bound to A LOT of trouble with both liberalism and Islam ...

As well as with UNIX, vi, EMACS, C++ ...



Pendant ce temps-là, chaque jour en France, 27 personnes se suicident (*). Non qu'elles l'aient vraiment choisi, mais parce qu'un climat général les y a poussées.

(*) Dans l'indifférence générale des médias, on le remarquera au passage.


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